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We Stand with Our Nation, Against Insurrection at U.S. Capitol Building

Statue of Liberty


The insurgents who attacked the Capitol Building on January 6th and threatened our duly elected legislators, who were discharging their duty, attacked all of us. They struck at the very heart of our democracy - the peaceful and orderly application of the rule of law.

We rely on our political leaders to ensure that the rule of law is respected and followed. Yesterday was an assault on our democracy, encouraged by the Commander in Chief. It can neither be explained nor excused. It is not who we aspire to be and is antithetical to the founding principles of our beloved country.

Rouda, Feder, Tietjen & McGuinn condemns the actions of the domestic terrorists and those who encouraged them and we restate our commitment, one which has been our abiding light for over 50 years, to the rule of law.
