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Top 10 Dangerous Intersections in San Francisco for Bicyclists


Almost 1 out of 10 people who live in San Francisco use a bicycle, either as their sole means of transportation or for leisure. With so many bicyclists on the streets each day, it may be no surprise that the City has become notorious for frequent bicycle accidents.

In order to help understand what causes bicycle accidents and where they are happening in San Francisco, the people behind Zendrive, a popular smartphone application that tracks and scores driver behavior, collected a decades’ worth of bicycle accident information to locate the most dangerous areas in the City for bicyclists.

The Most Dangerous Streets According to Zendrive

The collected data – most of it provided by the San Francisco Police Department – indicated that at least one bicycle accident occurs in San Francisco every day. In particular, areas around US Route 101 and the I-80 saw a noticeable increase in collisions between motorists and bicyclists. Zendrive found that Valencia Street and Market Street corridors were the two avenues with the most bicycle collisions in 10 years that resulted in serious injury or death.

The riskiest avenue, according to their study that collected both information based on past bicycle accidents and driver behavior, named Fell Street as the most dangerous in San Francisco; Duboce Avenue was second.

To further understand the causes of these hotspots, which can all be seen in Zendrive’s full article here, the company used its own application processes to measure how often the average driver engaged in cellphone use. As they had predicted, the intersections with multiple bicycle accidents were a hotbed of smartphone use activity. Off- and on-ramps for the 101 and 80 were noticeable in their data collections, possibly due to people using phones for directions as they enter or exit the city.

At Rouda Feder Tietjen & McGuinn, our San Francisco personal injury attorneys encourage you to review Zendrive’s findings if you use a bicycle to get around the city.

If you have been hurt in a bicycle accident by a negligent driver, you can also contact us for a free consultation. With our help, you may be able to recover full compensation and benefits.